
Coldwell & Couldwell surname Study and Database.

My name is John Keith Coldwell  and I was born in Denby Dale, Yorkshire in 1937 some 5 miles from where the Coldwell name originated in the Holme valley near Holmfirth. I can be contacted using the contact option at the top of the page.

The aim of this web-site is to present the current results of a continuing “one-name” study into the Coldwell and Couldwell surnames and people throughout the whole world back to the earliest times. It is also a way to share the study results freely with anyone interested in the names. You can search for your own ancestors in the 17000+ names listed in the Family Tree section. Please contact the webmaster to contribute your own Coldwell or Couldwell family details or offer corrections.

I have avoided including lists of data such as births, marriages and deaths. Where possible such data is included with the information on the individual concerned as found in the Family Tree section. Such data can now often be checked by looking up on one of the many databases available on the internet. You are invited to look through the ‘Various‘ items, which are not related to each other, and I thought would be of interest and provide background details of the families.

Are you progressing well with your own family history and perhaps looking for an interesting project to extend your hobby? A one-name study is a fascinating and rewarding way to do that! If you would be interested in taking part in the conduct and management of this Coldwell study contact the webmaster or the Guild of One-Name Studies to find out more. You would be very welcome to join in and share the study! Join our Facebook Group.

The Coldwell name is traceable back to the 14th c. in Austonley, a rural area on the slopes of the Pennine hills in the Holme river valley near to Holmfirth, Yorkshire, England. The Huddersfield and District FHS cover this region. For several hundred years the families were mainly occupied with farming and the weaving of woollen cloth. Many of the family remain in the area today and others have migrated throughout UK and the world.

Please also look at the DNA page and consider joining the FTDNA Coldwell & Couldwell YDNA project to find out more about your family connections.

Information on this site is available for free use by individuals for private purposes only and must not be used for commercial purposes.

Mill Town Sketch
Mill town at the height of the wool industry by John Thomlinson – captures the essence of working peoples lives at that time